Friday, April 16, 2010

Greetings from the Cloud Forest

I am writing just a few kilometers from the Monteverde National Reserve, the most famous of several cloud forests. What is a cloud forest? That will have to wait for the next post, as the tour doesn't start until tomorrow morning (early of course).

Am just finishing up my third day in Costa Rica, and am having a wonderful time. The weather has not been too hot yet, though fairly muggy, but have been in the mountains or at higher elevations the whole time.

Until today I was in Alajuela, a small city about 15km NW of the capital, San Jose. Alajuela doesn't have a lot to recommend it, but it is less hectic and provides good access to a number of very interesting places. Costa Ricans in general are taller and have lighter skin than Mexicans. Prices are fairly comparable in most cases to the United States.

On the first day I took a taxi up to a small town in the foothills called Zarcero, a picturesque little town of about 4,500, I'm guessing at about 5,500 feet (Alajuela is at 3,000). The parque Francisco Alvarado, in front of the 1895 Iglesia de San Rafael, was quite impressive — lots of bushes carved into the shapes of dinosaurs, archways, faces, etc. Wonderful town, not too hectic, at least by poorer nation standards.

Day two was a visit to Volcan Poas (Pwouss), one of several active volcanoes in the area. After a bus ride up the mountain, the short path takes you up to a spectacular view of the crater from above. The volcano continually belches steam and emits a sulphur smell when the wind blows the wrong direction. Still an amazing view, and there is a nice walk to a crater that's become a lagoon.

The third day began with the rather daunting task of first renting, then learning to drive, a car in Costa Rica. The traffic here is far better than India, and better than Mexico. Getting out of Alajuela proved challenging, but the highways are pretty good. The road up to Monteverde was not, extremely rocky and slow going, and fairly steep uphill with quite the drop off to the side of the road. Still, arrived before dark, which was the goal.

I just got back from a spectacular night tour, but will save that description for the next time, as I'm tired and must get some sleep. The cloud forest beckons at 7 a.m. tomorrow.


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