We left Parismina for a three-hour journey that turned into a two-day battle with every form of obstacle the Costa Rican travel gods could throw at us.
As we headed back to the Central Valley, a traffic jam on the main road caused us to divert on a more scenic path that would also take us around San Jose traffic. It also took us down a road that was completely shut down by what we were told was an accident. We backtracked to a scenic little city called Puerto Viejo de Sarapiqui, where we decided to find a hotel and try for Heredia the next day. Should have been no problem, as it was less than 100 km away.

So we backtracked another 50km to the road we had taken from Cartago toward the east coast, a narrow two-lane highway now the main thoroughfare for every semi going in to San Jose. We spent about five hours doing a 100 km journey just to get to Cartago. The good thing was we got to visit the church at Cartago again and see La Negrita. The thing, I kid you not, is about 18 inches high. The stonehenge scene in Spinal Tap comes to mind.
The other downside of this little misadventure was it forced us, and by us I mean me, to drive through San Jose in Friday rush hour traffic at 4 p.m. (refer above to what time the rain comes every day now). Nerves frayed, and never knowing exactly where we were going because there are no signs and Costa Ricans only give directions with their arms (even to each other, I noticed), we somehow tracked down a sign to Heredia and, after two more hours, found our hotel in Heredia. The second day's journey took almost 11 hours and ended about 80km from where it started.
So that pretty much wraps it up. Hope you enjoyed, hope you all make it some day and experience pura vida, and hope to see you all in the states soon.