Saturday, April 28, 2007

The Prom

The Kodai kids had their prom tonight, so thought I would post a few pictures before I sift through the stuff from the Kerala trip. It looked very similar to an American prom at the beginning, though the had a rather impressive fireworks display (with fireworks that would be illegal in the states). The dress was a little more casual, though as is typical in India the girls looked much better than the guys. Many of the guys were in a blazer and jeans, while the girls all had evening gowns, very few of which were Indian.

I was amazed to see that, after the dining and fireworks, they broke into two groups to watch a movie. I'm told it's a Kodai tradition, but how silly is that? Someone had a bootleg copy of "300," so most of the kids watched that while some went to the campus theater to watch "You, Me and Dupree." After the movie, they reconvened for about a two-hour canteen very similar to the ones they have every week. It didn't seem like many of the kids were really into the dancing. I stayed for about half, and it was all up-tempo. No slow dancing. It would be hard to call it a romantic evening, though a few couples seemed to have a good time.

Anyway, here are some photos.


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